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Terms of Engagement for Provisional Read Report (PRR) when Client provides No Primary Report Open


The client is expected to submit the primary report at all times. If the primary report is genuinely lost or unavailable and the client requires a second opinion or provisional read report to address their concerns, the following terms apply:

  1. It is crucial for clients to understand that the primary report holds significant importance from both a medico-legal standpoint and in framing a comprehensive and comparative study. Therefore, we strongly advise clients to submit their primary report to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the Second Opinion Study.

  2. In the event that a primary report is not available, certain radiologists may decline to participate in the Second Opinion Study. However, in special circumstances, a provisional read report (PRR) that mimics a Second Opinion may be commissioned solely to provide the client with confidence. It is important to note that this report will not challenge the primary report, as it will be based solely on limited imaging data and limited online clinical history provided by the client, including information on surgeries, infections, diseases, investigations, clinical complications, and other related factors.

  3. Limited clinical interactions in physical proximity may result in undue radiology impressions and/or omissions of certain findings in the given report. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the client to clarify any doubts by asking two specific questions after downloading the PRR from the portal. Please note that there will be no refunds issued once Expert panel is assigned the case.Ensuring accuracy and completeness of radiology reports is vital to making accurate diagnoses.

  4. The evaluation of the PRR is considered final only after the panel answers the client's two questions on the portal. The client's report review (positive or negative) via WhatsApp or email can help improve future cases.

  5. It is essential to note that clients must not seek a second opinion to correct or mend or invite any legal or surgical consequences. Furthermore, there shall be no remedy nor any claim of liability for insufficiencies or omissions after receiving the final Second Opinion Report or Provisional Read Report (PRR) taken from experts on TeleradiologyHub. Clients must read the Second Opinion: Terms & Conditions ( to understand these conditions.

  6. These terms and conditions are applicable even if not confirmed by the client in knowing or unknowing situations.


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