Pelvis : Plain

FSE, SE and STIR Techniques.

T1W, T2W & 3D SPGR axial.

T2W sagittal.

T1 and T2W coronal.


The prostate gland is enlarged in size. It measures 5cm(CC) x4.2cm(AP)x 6cm(ML). Approximate volume 60cc.


Multiple well circumscribed, encapsulated nodular lesions of variable sizes are seen in transitional zone of prostate on both sides. These lesions show heterogeneous mixed signal intensity on T2W images without diffusion restriction --- These are suggestive of benign prostatic hypertrophy nodules (PIRADS category II lesions).


Multiple wedge shape lesions of variable sizes are seen in peripheral zone of prostate on both sides. These lesions shows mild hypo intense signal intensity on T2W images without diffusion restriction.--- These are suggestive of  chronic prostatitis lesions (PIRADS category II lesions).


There is no evidence of breach of the prostatic capsule.


The surgical capsule is intact. Neurovascular bundle and periprostatic fat appears normal. The fat plane between the prostate and rectum is intact.


The seminal vesicles are unremarkable.


The urinary bladder is minimally distended and shows wall thickening (7mm).


The pelvic floor muscles are intact.


Few mildly enlarged reactive bilateral inguinal lymph nodes. 


No fluid or pelvic lymph node enlargement seen.


The signal intensity of pubic bones and visualized portion of the pelvic girdle is normal. 



Significant prostatomegaly with multiple benign prostatic hypertrophy nodules in transitional zone (BPH ) and chronic prostatitis lesions in peripheral zone.




Kindly correlate clinically and with other investigation (PSA levels/HPR).