By TeleradiologyHUB on Friday, 27 May 2022
Category: MRI Second Opinion

1 in 500,000 Probability of Second Opinion: Honor for Radiologist

There is no single factor what influences patients to seek second opinions from Radiologist Panel. There could be many. Right from 'NHS waiting period' to 'surgery awaited' - there could be fear or accuracy categories.

 But whatever the factor,  it is quite important to solve the questions posed by second opinion cases, however minor outcomes be  TeleradiologyHUB analyst worked mathematical pattern to suggest  fellow radiologists that second opinions are rare to come and it's honor to get them.  It helps to build super brand in local Radiologists. designed AI based Fair rating based approch to elavate any hardworking Radiologists who has eye for details. Things can be learnt. is platform to learn good things and unlearn residual matters.

  Lets find the picture of mathematical probability of getting second opinion, how rare its arrival is!

Lets generate the probability scenario for all the occurrences in radiology reporting space.

1. Patient Probability:

Patients needing radiological outcome: No of people acquired THOSE deceases Divided by Total number of population : Approx 10%

2. Doctor Probability

Patients going to particular Doctor of evaluation Total number of doctors Divided by No of people acquired THOSE deceases: Approx 5%

3. Machine Probability

Patients going to particular Diagnostic centre: Total number of diagnostic centers Divided by Total number of doctors : Approx 4%

4. Radiologist Getting a diagnostic centre

Total number of Radiologist Divided by Total number of open positions of Diagnostic centers: Apporx 10%

5. Radiologist getting to report the case

1*2*3*4= 10%*5%*4%*10%= 0.00002%

6. Second opinion Probability:from Patient Point of view

Total number of doubtful reporting cases in India as seen by Indian doctors or patients/ Total number of machines * total number of test per machines : 1%

7. Second opinion Probability:from Radiologist Point of view

5* 6= .002%*1%= 0.000002%

1 in 500,000 is the probability of a radiologist getting to report  second opinion case.  This is an honor. 

Despite huge odds, now, any member radiologist stands a FAIR CHANCE to participate in Second Opinion panel of Thanks to unique AI tools devloped by TH team that automatically  apprise  Radiologist's performance in real time without favour !

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