Teleradiologyhub is not only known for its impact on quality of MRI and CT reporting across globe but also for being socially responsible healthcare practice. Today, Teleradiologyhub is launching first of its kind highly discounted or almost free second opinion to students and migrants in Canada. Given the pressure on Canadian healthcare system, Teleradiologyhub second opinion Panels offer quick MRI or CT Second Opinion in USD $ 25.

 Demand for MRI Reporting

TeleradiologyHub delivers with its fleet of senior Radiologists from Germany and Spain Panels have helped in poor patients during Covid calamity. The radiologists offered primary reporting almost for free in Indian slums after patterning with local diagnostic centres like ARTI Diagnostics Chain operating from India. For marginalized social groups in Chennai, the HRCT (CT scan) of Chest was brought down by 90% with the help of Teleradiologyhub panels, that time it was below $ 25. Imagine how expensive in other countries, like in South Korea, patients have to pay nearly $300 which is partially refundable. Keeping the spirit of kindness, TeleradiologHub now launches in Canada a free or discounted MRI second opinion service for a few patient groups in just $25. This will prove to be a great lifesaver, given the acute pressure on Canadian public healthcare system.

 Canadian Diagnostic Pressure 

Let's examine the Diagnostic System in Canada. We find a number of MRI Facilities in Canada hugely concentrated in urban areas of Calgary, Montreal and Toronto. While the Public health system is responsible to provide MRI facilities in remote areas, the geographical equal distribution is challenging. The demand and Supply of MRI diagnostic services does not match. It is not just issue of financial capital, but human capital is scarcely available in some areas. The shortage of Radiologists is an issue but unwillingness of Radiologists to shift to suburban diagnostic centres is equally responsible to shortage. The MRI facilities in some areas are looking for other options to report the MRI or CT cases. Healthcare leaders in Canada call it structural inefficiency, the result is, firstly, the primary MRI reporting getting delayed sometimes even months. This is cause of concern for patients waiting for surgical interventions or other clinical treatment or any procedures. Secondly, not Getting a right sub-specielity expert, it affects directly the quality of reporting and indirectly the clinical outcomes. Radiologists deployed at MRI or CT facilities are at times, junior radiologists who have little or no experience who keep reporting complex MRI cases involving benign tumors or malignancy.

Solution for Candian Healthcare

Most of the patient groups are becoming smart and finding other options to get the quality MRI or CT report seeting at home. They have been consulting more the second opinion online platforms. Some way such Tech solutions could partly answer Canadian structural inefficiency.

The second opinion platforms could provide education to unaware patients with radio-wiki or AI tools. The aggregation of radiologist across Boards could make radiologists available to deal with cases requiring sub-specialty skills in Radiology. Radiologists publish their cases or link their publication that patients might be seeking second opinion for. TeleradiologyHub Enablement Specialist, Dr Raj, is convinced that there is growing community and sentiments around second opinion seeking in different countries like USA. Canada, UK and Europe. They are becoming Source of information and shared experience for other patients seeking MRI second opinion.